The Truth Behind

Capstone project revolved around designing to solve a problem or discuss an issue successfully through research, testing, prototyping, feasible analysis & presentation.

CHALLENGE: Design a visual language to effectively communicate the topic of
sexual violence.

TARGET AUDIENCE: College students

SFSU Capstone

01/2024 – 05/2024

“Sexual violence is defined as any harmful or unwanted behaviors to obtain a sexual act by any sort of violence. This topic is seen as taboo, as something that has been stigmatized for the longest time. Some people don’t educate themselves about sexual violence, and make assumptions rather than understanding. If sexual violence is not addressed correctly, we may never get rid of the stigma behind it, and others will continue to not understand or seek help.”

“What was she wearing?”

“Why didn’t you fight back?”

“You're a male, you’re supposed to like this.”